Hundreds of people share the love…
Even Russell Crowe wrote to congratulate Jacqueline. He’d been enjoying HorsePLAY® with his two boys and some other friends. “We love the hard case it comes in. Far too many games have their cardboard boxes destroyed after a few sessions.”

Come join us, share the love. It’s easy! Just email us with the words you’d like to share with everyone about why you love having some HorsePLAY®. Click here.
I’m NOT horsey! Yet on our recent trip travelling around Australia in a small van it was a brilliant companion, small and sturdy, easy to travel with. It kept us entertained and laughing loud and often! HorsePLAY rocks!
Ruben Van Doesselaere, BELGIUM
Absolutely brilliant, loved them. Love the images. Questions are so interesting, shared it with the office – fantastic feedback from everyone. I keep them handy on my desk because once is never enough.
Peter Lindeman, AUSTRALIA
It’s great fun for the whole family. Even dad plays, which is a first.
Ben Strong, USA
I never expected to hold the Mona Lisa in my hands. The images are so real. It’s far more than I expected from a game.
Dr Finola McConaghy, AUSTRALIA
We play so often the lid is always off.
Tess Anderson, New Zealand
It is great to see such an original like HorsePLAY hit the market place and get people of all ages enjoying time away from their screens. I highly recommend adding HorsePLAY to your household, you won’t be disappointed.
Kelly Robinson, AUSTRALIA
It’s great fun horsing around without the mess and expense of an actual horse. And the bonus is you get to learn some really interesting things along the way.
Charlie Brister, AUSTRALIA
I am seriously impressed with HorsePLAY. Congratulations; it is a tonne of fun and exceptionally well thought-out and designed.
MaryAnne Leighton, Equine Emergency Rescue, AUSTRALIA
Truly amazed at the work and the quality put into HorsePLAY.
Brenton Matthews, Educator, AUSTRALIA
SERIOUSLY hilarous, colourful, uplifting, unexpected, memory making fun to enjoy on your own or with others. Perfect for home or work, as an ice-breaker or team builder. I can’t recommend it enough. It is unlike anything I’ve ever come across before. It absolutely ROCKS! Every home, school and work place should have some HorsePLAY.
Tracy Chapman, Educator, AUSTRALIA
You know a game is awesome when you don’t even have to play it, to love it.
Mikaela Campbell, UK
It’s so visually magnetic you can get lost in HorsePLAY for hours. You can’t pick up a HorsePLAY card without discovering something new. Our whole family thinks HorsePLAY rocks!
Nicole Emanuel, Photographer, AUSTRALIA
HorsePLAY is a game changer!
That’s straight from the horse’s mouth.
Adam Sutton, Allround Horsemanship, AUSTRALIA
So excited to get HorsePLAY some friends and I gathered to play it the same day it arrived. And we weren’t disappointed – quite the opposite! This unique product delivered way beyond what we’d expected. How happy our customers are when they buy it and how quickly the HorsePLAY stock sells certainly isn’t surprising given the major bang for your buck packed into this proudly Aussie creation.
Lee Woodland, Natural Equipment Store, AUSTRALIA
The ultimate horsey gift for your horse crazy friends and family to enjoy – especially on those rainy days when you can’t be with the real thing.
Michelle Dennis, Firehorse Inspiration, AUSTRALIA
Really informative and funny at the same time. I had a great time. Congrats – it’s even better than I imagined
HorsePLAY is a veritable visual feast, great fun and highly informative. I particularly like the way your designer combines the old and new. I’ve never experienced anything like it. We love it.
Laurie Haywood, UK
So beautiful.
Thomas Slawik, GERMANY