Right from the first week HorsePLAY® was in stores, messages like my friend Katrina’s started arriving. A game and gallery in a box, it’s different and it’s terrific.
The game’s name was already holding true. It was indeed becoming an exciting – ride of my life!
Not surprising it’s already winning Awards – the latest is Top 100 SMART Product of the Year, 2015. It’s an Award that celebrates innovation and is especially brilliant considering HorsePLAY® has only just been released.
I’ve known Jacqueline Thompson, creator of this new HorsePLAY® game, since I was 10. Now 21, that’s over half my life Jacqueline’s been in it. An accomplished business and horse woman with an incredible love for life and energy. She’s been an inspiration to me.
We’ve had some crazy fun times. One was crossing the Sydney Harbour Bridge with a horse and carriage for the launch of her original board game – Discovery Quest. While two mounted policemen escorted the carriage full of Olympians and celebrities, the rest of us had a fantastic time walking with them over our iconic bridge. I admit it didn’t mean much to me at the time, that Jacqueline was the only person in Australia that Discovery Communications Inc (USA), think Discovery Channel, had ever licensed their brand on a game product to.

Did you know that only one in every three games ever gets played? I didn’t. This helps explain Jacqueline’s focus to create not just a game that WOULD be played, but one that DIDN’T HAVE TO be played to be enjoyed. She’s combined two products we love – into one. HorsePLAY® is an exciting game PLUS coffee table book in a box, easy to view, easy to enjoy. This highly entertaining box is guaranteed to get opened, often.
The research has been quite intense to create c and has involved experts in many fields, artists of great quality, celebrities and writers. The harnessing of global talent for our entertainment pleasure like this, has never been done before. HorsePLAY®’s design and quality is history in the making.
A Game for Everyone
I feel very proud to have images of my horses and me in this wonderful Aussie creation.
For as long as I can remember my two passions have been fashion and horses. Yet having horses in my life has never been a conscious decision. They’ve been in my blood as something I was born to do for as long as I can remember.

My fashion passion was evident from the beginning … from the outfits I’d put together when playing dress ups in mum’s closet to the colour co-ordinated bandages, saddlecloths and rugs.
So when it came time to pick a horse sport the choice was easy – hacking. I’d loved watching the show horses compete at the Sydney Royal and would sit for hours in awe of beautiful horses and riders dressed to perfection. It was meant for me.
When I was eight Buttons arrived into our family. He was my first pony and his handsome rich brown body carried me safely to win many ribbons at events all over the state. I imagine you’ve met his type before – the pony that loves any excuse to show off and seriously believes he’s a 16.2hh stallion!
I’ve so many memories of precious riding moments. From competing Pink, our gorgeous palomino pony to fantastic fun with Rose, our wise and incredibly talented galloway mare. “The four girls” – Pink, Rose, mum and I competed up and down the east coast for years. We met wonderful show people and had great success.
Then it was time for the big step up … onto a hack! I’d fallen in love with a particular thoroughbred bloodline long before I had the delight to be astride one.
My dream came true and I am incredibly blessed to have brother and sister with this bloodline, Elvis and Elle in our stable. I’ve had many wonderful adventures with them already, and am looking forward to many more.
Our colourful wall of ribbons reminds us how much our team has learnt over the years. But competing with our beloved horses is the biggest prize of all. And a large part of that started with Jacqueline.
Finally, right in front of me after years of watching and helping HorsePLAY® develop, was the finished product.
Engage in ADVENTURE Answer TRIVIA Laugh SING Mime DRAW
It’s amazing. Through incredible vision, hard work and persistence Jacqueline and her team have accomplished something revolutionary in design and quality … for everyone to enjoy. But to me HorsePLAY® is way more than just a ‘product’. It’s the perfect example of exactly the kind of thinking and strategic commitment required to achieve. It’s what I hope to always aspire to in my Fashion Design career. I’m currently in my 3rd and final year of a Fashion Design Degree at Whitehouse Institute of Design in Sydney.
In taking a common thing, cardboard boxed board game, and evolving it as she has, it’s not surprising Jacqueline’s emails are sprinkled with praise.
When was the last time you held something highly entertaining and genuinely playable, portable, durable and of course – fashionable? Yes, they’re four simple words, but creating these unique features has been anything but simple. Understandably such an innovative product in the traditional board game industry, has created more than a few ripples. Some have already reached for their buoyancy vests!
As soon as you remove the shrink wrap you know you’re experiencing something extraordinary. Don’t be surprised when you don’t toss the packaging into the recycling bin. Right from the get go HorsePLAY® calls to you – “adjust who you think you are and let’s get on with some serious play. It’s time to discover your hidden horsepower!”
“Hmm” I hear your friends saying. “Is the world ready for that?” “Yes” I say – Game ON!
Don’t you just love the Plato quote? We’ve already experienced its truth. A particular friend drew a Busking card from the game box and began reciting a famous poem. His oratory skills were show stopping amazing! The transformation floored us – Who was this stranger? Why didn’t we know he had such a talent?
There are so many features of HorsePLAY®’s design that I like, and it would seem so do many others.
Then … that exciting ride of my life went up another notch!
The feedback from people involved in the game test plays was consistent and loud – “These illustrations are so good, the characters need to come to life”. And come to life they have, in the Monty the Monster fantasy fiction trilogy due out this year. In it you even learn how to Hug the Monster! American Air force Pilots have been doing it for years, now so can we.
Hilarious play for EVERY day

Little did artist Lesley Bruce, from her idyllic studio in Brittany France, realise her amazing game illustrations would end up having such an extended exciting life. This includes the illustrated version of me coming to life, wow!
Of all the people Jacqueline could have teamed with to co-author the Monty book, I can’t imagine anyone more perfect than someone very close to my heart … my (sensitive and imaginative) Nana! Have a sneak peek, preview chapters are on the games website. You won’t be disappointed.
For the years of research and development, weeks of test plays, the editing and liaising with such a huge network of global talent, I’m surprised HorsePLAY® isn’t priced higher. Such premium quality deserves to be, but I’m glad it’s not.
Welcome to my world and this exciting ride of my life. Come join me in some HorsePLAY®.
Charlotte Allison-Bruce