Need to raise some money for a worthy Charity, Club or Project?
Up to $10 from each box of HorsePLAY® sold via our online store could be donated to your charity, club or project. CONTACT US TODAY!
Check out this example of a promotion Pony Club NSW ran using HorsePLAY® as their fundraising partner.
HorsePLAY Fundraiser – PC NSW

How can we raise $150,000 by Christmas?
We proudly announce what should be our most successful fundraising partnership EVER. We have partnered with the revolutionary new entertainer called HorsePLAY®. Recently released and already Awarded Top 100 Product of the Year across all industries, this exciting Aussie creation is highly portable, playable and durable. Yes – a product that really is built to last! It’s actually 2 great entertainment products in 1 – Exciting Adventure Game + Coffee Table Book in a Box. Great value for money that you can enjoy SOLO or socially. You don’t even have to play it to love it!
Clubs get $10 as a ‘donation’ from EVERY box of HorsePLAY® sold via their network and via their coupon code on the HorsePLAY® online store. HorsePLAY®‘s RRP is $59.95, albeit some stores in Australia and USA are selling them for $65.99 because it’s such a premium product. With approximately 15,000 members in NSW – if each member enables just one box of HorsePLAY® to be donated – such as inviting a friend or relative to buy one as a Christmas gift, posting the offer on their facebook page and clubs put the attached artwork on their website and facebook pages, by engaging our network of horsey and non-horsey people to get onboard, we can raise $150,000.
This money equates to some truly fantastic club house renovations, wonderful new equipment and facilities, brilliant new books and DVD’s in the loan library, extra special events and ….. and …… and. Hmm – wouldn’t a trip to the next major National Equestrian Event to support our Australian Equestrian team be a real treat for some lucky Club Members?
The President of Pony Club Australia, Ms Catherine Ainsworth has agreed that the specific clubs that get behind this fundraising opportunity are to retain ALL the money they raise. No monies shall be distributed to the State Office or Head Office from this historic partnership.
HorsePLAY®‘s creator Jacqueline Thompson has found customers identified 2 particularly popular places for HorsePLAY® to reside. One is in the car console – for what’s called ‘crowd control’ of the kids, especially great on the way to school, at pick up times and on road trips to events, comps and holidays! The other is on the kitchen bench – for helping pre-meal times to be more entertaining and calmer.
$10 doesn’t sound like much on its own – but if each member helps sell JUST ONE box of HorsePLAY® (have a relative buy one, their neighbour, a school buddy, a facebook friend ….) we’ve made history. Our NSW Clubs would receive a donation total of: $150,000.
We’ll help create for you a high performing fundraising form.